Aura Supported Living - A service where you are at the heart of your home and support being received!
Who can access AURA?
We provide 24/7 support for those that need it, and also offer smaller packages for those who may only require a few hours of support a day – our care is completely tailored to the individual’s needs and requirements.
Services we offer:
Help, nurture, grow
Everything we do stems from our vision to help, nurture and support the growth of those in our care:

Helping you realise your full potential

Nurturing your individuality

Growth is guaranteed and is measured by your achievements

AURA believes that Resilience is made up of five pillars: self-awareness, mindfulness, self care, positive relationships & purpose.” At AURA, we strive to pursue all of these pillars through the individuals specified day to day care, without overwhelming or undermining them. Making sure we are still focusing on maintaining their specific needs and values.

No matter whether it's past or present, we will always reflect and celebrate all of your achievements.